Guam Decides on Online Gambling

In what can only be described as a soap opera of opinions, Guam’s religious elders are somewhat divided, somewhat unified, on the issue of gambling in their island nation. At the core of the issue – at least according to overzealous religious doctrine – the mere word ‘gambling’. The connotations of the word sound alarm bells for purists, who tend to associate the word with the devil’s handiwork.

While Jesuit priest and associate professor Richard McGowan debates the benefits and morality of gambling in Guam, infuriating the Catholic Church, others are pushing for a resolution. That is about to come in the form of a mailed ballot to all of Guam’s 49 000 registered voters.

Included in the ballot will be three statements including: opponents, proponents of a casino initiative, and a neutral analysis by the GEC (Guam Election Commission). Proposition A would see casino gambling (slots, chance games, card games and table games) being legalized at Guam Greyhound Park in Tamuning.

If all goes well, the euphemism ‘responsible gaming’ will become accepted literature in Guam. The vociferous chants of opponents will possibly endure the windfall benefits of a properly regulated gambling industry. A regulated gambling industry allows for certain requirements to be met prior to gaining access to gambling activities.

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